How to keep an intimate life at a distance from each other
We know that the virus is present in respiratory secretions and can be transmitted through direct person-to-person contact. So being sexual intime with someone could potentially be an ideal setting for transmission of the virus if one partner is infected. Be aware that COVID-19 is not a sexually transmitted disease (STD) like HIV/AIDS… continue to protect yourself from STDs by wearing a condom and use other measures to arm yourself against COVID-19.
It is therefore the closeness to your partner (infected or “asymptomatic” subject of the coronavirus) that puts you at risk of contracting the virus yourself.
Although sexual intercourse meets all the conditions for transmitting the virus (sweat droplets, saliva exchanges, sweating…). However your sex life is not over, it is time for creativity! –
How can you continue to have a sex life?
First of all, it is up to you to decide what measures you wish to take. Some people living together decide to continue eating together, kissing, having sex, and that’s fine! Here, we are mainly talking to people who want to take avoidance measures to protect themselves from spreading the virus.
If you’re wondering how you can take steps in your intimate and relationship life to better protect yourself from the virus, here are some tips to stay connected from afar or in the same apartment :
First of all, regardless of the nature of your relationships (couples, singles, polyamorous, occasional relationships…), we recommend that you avoid physical contact. It’s time to be inventive! There is a multitude of ways to preserve your sexuality while staying healthy.
Mobilize your imagination: sex toys, videos, voice messages… to share your fantasies with your partner, to role play and boost your erotic imagination. Whether you are far from your loved one or not in the same room, this contactless method will allow you to take pleasure alone and accompanied by your partner!
The sex toys are your allies!
Did you know that with the confinement, there is a boom in the sales of sextoys? It is not for nothing. In these times of quarantine, it’s good to please yourself.
Do you want to include the other one in your games? Some sex toys allow a remote connection (within a limited perimeter), have fun by leaving the control to your partner from the other side of the room. Wash and start again.
Watch the same erotic or porn movie from a distance or other room. We recommend “ethical” porns such as those by Erika Lust or Anoushka (Notasexpert), and exchange your reactions with your lover.s over the phone. The new phone sex!
Leave yourself sweet or naughty words to raise the temperature during this moment of confinement. Write letters where you eroticize the next time you can see, touch and feel each other. And slip the letter under the door of the other one.
Finally to finish with a little humour in these times of confinement, and if you decide to have sexual intercourse with penetration, we advise you to take inspiration from the coronasutra (google it). By keeping 1.5 meters of distance in your positions!
Co-written by Camille Bataillon and Marie Dequidt (sexologists)